Monday, September 12, 2005

remember things from my childhood that I wish I didn't. Like the time my cousine told me to stick my finger in the cigarette lighter of his father's car, the time I saw a cat buried beneath the hide of a dead calf pulling chunks of meat from it's decomposing body, the time my german sheppard puppy got hit by a car, the time I cut my leg on a wire of the fence at the zoo as I watched the squrrel monkeys play, the time my dad made me help him gut a deer that he shot and cut its throat and I watched die at my feet, the time my mom got drunk and spit blood in my dad's face, the time I watched a kid almost drown in a creek on the way to school, the time my cat got shot in the eye with a BB gun, the time we drove by a car accident and I saw a woman crying and picking teeth out of her unconscious husband's mouth, the time I had to help my dad kill chickens by holding their feet as he chopped off their heads with an axe, the time I fell into a pool at the Holiday Inn and sat at the bottom screaming under water, the time I cut a chunk of my knuckle off at the cottage carving a peice of wood, the time I go beat up at school, the time I saw a soldier pick up a man's head on the news during the Vietnam war, the time my grandfather made me help him cut horns off of the cows at the farm. There are more, but I can't distinctly remember them right now, but I am sure they will come back to haunt me, they always do.

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