Monday, April 04, 2005

Across Donald's Brain

So rumor has it one can become known in the fiction writing world by getting discovered through their blog. Apparently agents and the likes scour bloggs to discover NEW talent. Bloggs are becoming big business. The chances of this happening must be narrow? How could someone search bloggs to find writers? I think it's bullshit. But the Quill & Quire says its true and they even have testimonies.

So just in case - sure, I would love to send you may manuscripts - and fuckoff too cause i said so - the chances of you finding this blogg are comparable to me finding a swiss army knife in my ass or maybe a diamond in my foreskin.

Yes I know i haven't been writing very much lately - Why you ask? Well because I have been blocked for about three months - what usually happens is I think about writing and I plan to write and then I just don't write. It works really well because you set yourself up to dissapoint yourself. Hell just last night I wanted to rip my eyes out in frustration. Yes its true, a great way to learn to hate yourself is to put expectations on yourself, and then never deliver, The great thing is that after a few times of doing so you can fool yourself into thinking you will really do it this time - you say things like yeah I really am going to write all day Saturday - for sure! Then you sit on your ass and play with your toys or get yourself distracted on purpose. The whole time you know exactly what you are doing and you get off on the fact that you have challenged and insubordonated your own inner self.

Great stuff this self abuse! A very entertaining way of torturing yourself for the shear pleasure of fighting off you own inner authority figure. I am sure this is the core meaning of procrastination - the act of self denial because you can deny. Lovely.

So today I opt to not fall into this trap of traps.... but this in and of itself could be just another of .

What Else...

Not much really - no not much at all....