Thursday, March 08, 2007

Some sorry ass son of a bitch

The day runs on and it seems to me that over and over again i just keep getting more attached to my apple laptop. It is as if I can't live without it. I carry it around the house and bring it with me wherever I go. I even warm the car up for it and keep it in it's own clothes all tucked in and snug like a bug in a rug.

Fuck I need to do some writing tomorrow - yeah I'm gonna take the day off and maybe even just sit somewhere and input everything that comes to mind into the white little tablet - my etch-a sketch. That's me some sorry ass sonofa bitch stuck like glue to his laptop with nothing more euphoric to do.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

My angry bowels

So today i decide to post again. It must have been a few months now. I am coming off a bender and my ears are still ringing from a concert at the Horseshoe - pemenant ear damage.

I feel lost off and on this week - i feel like my personality is dissolving. Like I am on overwashed health club towel - all rough and white with nothing left to really offer - myabe even a little threadbare.