Monday, December 04, 2006

Am I a narcissist?

Each time I do one of these posts someone tells me that I am a narcissist. I guess because I am doing a post about it I must be? Or is it the fact that I have this blog that makes me one. Tell me something, all 3 of you: Are you all not the superstar of your own feature film you call life? Are you not the superhero of your own comic called your idiotic life?

Well I am. Each day I get up, take a shit and strap on my super outfit and go out there and save the day. I leap tall buildings and move faster than a speeding bullet while my invisible entourage of worshippers and fans cheer me on. I can hear them right now inside my head. I can do anything I want at any time - why? Because I am the main event in my life. The big man. The super coolest. The best. I have the biggest dick and the largest brain and shit yeah I am the best looking. Sure some of you may have kids and think - oh you selfish old kidless fuck - you really have no clue. Well I bet your kids do a great job of making you feel like a super star huh? Isn't that why you buy them everything they ever want and wipe their asses and clean up their puke?

So yeah I guess I am a narcissist - Shit someone has to be a fan of me.