Monday, December 05, 2005

Laying in a Winter Wonderland

I took this photo at a cemetary and I just can't get over how festive it looks. Doesn't it just look like the holiday season? Speaking primarily to all of you conservative Christians out there - the ones that apparently used to get thrown to the lions. Yes well you see I'm not really much of a Christian any more - frankly I don't really know what I am - but don't worry, or get out your literature - I am quite content just sitting on the fence for a few more years until my insecurities over death start to heighten and then maybe I will jump off and head in some direction.

Yes Christmas doesn't mean too, too much to me and I constantly seem to end up thinking about non-Christian kids and how they cope with all of this. It terrifies me to think that they have to be subjected to all of this much ado about nothing and then not even get any greed fulfilling materialistic rewards for putting up with all of the songs, cell phone ads and stupid fucking expectations, and false aspirations. How do the non-Christian families rationalize not partaking in such hardcore consumeristic obsession? Just being a kid makes you the easiest target on the consumer firing squad and then this stupid holiday shows up every year that condones and enforces all of your consumer lust. Shit man if I was a non-Christian kid I would most likely be begging my parents to convert and to get the spending started.

Yes the photo seems so tranquil. I thought about making it into a Christmas card, as you can tell I am not too too high on the "Christmas Spirit". My wife would never let me send out a card that depicted a funeral plot and then said Merry Christmas in it. Come to think of it, I doubt it would go over very well. But man do I feel for those non-Christian kids. Even if they say they don't care, you know they must. How could any kid not want to get more shit on one day for free once a year? Who cares what we believe in just bring on the free shit!