Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Go Fuck Yourself

This is a post for all of those people - the ones that need to be told to go fuck themselves. There are so many of them, we all have a large list - shit I may even be on yours, and you on mine - so here it is - for all those people that nearly or really deserve it. The ones that piss you off in traffic, the ones that send those Blockbuster recorded messages to your house, the ones that piss all over the toilet seat or shit and don't flush, the ones that secretly don't wash their hands after they take a dump or a leak (you know who you are), the ones that take the largest box of French fries off of the McDonald tray, the ones that let their dog shit on your lawn, the ones that let their kids run wild, the ones that litter, kick dogs, steal your mail, lie, won't help themselves, moan all the time, think they are better than you, power trip, talk behind your back, change their mind, take advantage, fuck you and never call, search through your things, steal your ideas, dwell on the past, won't help themselves, play devil's advocate, eat from the bulk bins, double park, and so on. I could type this list for hours - so to save you the pain of reading it how about this - why don't you all just go fuck yourselves.