Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Calm - Everything is Calm

The leaves on the trees rustle. The birds sing. The grass is cool underfoot. Everything is calm. I love calm. It makes me so - calm. It's nice to be somewhere that makes me - lets say tranquil.

Ahhh. things are much better now. Yes. I have arrived. Oh where am I again? Right - I am in my "magnificent morning" happy place, that's it. You know - the one that lets you rule your day in a happy way! Ah don't you just love those magnificent mornings. Fuck I sure do. They let you take on the day. They let you shine at whatever it is you do. Simply put - magnificent.

Now I'm Really Fucking Angry....

Hi all - I guess I only write this blog when there are crisis in the air. Well there are crisis again, but it is good times still. It seems that my venture of employment has again taken a downswing and I am left standing in the middle of the road with my pants down. Just four days after my grandfather gasps his last breath - the kind, integrity-driven, people caring, company that I worked so hard for have decided to "Let me go."

After weeks of praise, admiration, assurance and reverence, they pulled the rug out from under me and I didn't have any clue - or see it coming. (Yes this entry is therapeutic.) As they lead me into the office I was expecting an increase in salary or some sort of recognition.

There reasoning was that "they" were sorry but they had hired the wrong type of person for the position - not just a week prior the founder of the company told me that I was the perfect person and that they had all of their faith in me. There were no warnings, no offers, no signs; just a big vat of smelly fly-covered bullshit that said I was amazing over and over and how I was their savior and doing an amazing job. Talk about mixed messages. Oh well say-la fucking-vie! (I know it's spelled wrong - but I need this rant.)

I would not be so angry - if I had screwed up or I had gotten warnings - and I conclude that they all might as well take the last 10,000 charter cards that I ordered for them and wipe their asses with them. They are no different then McDonalds, Enron or George Bush for that matter.

Hilarious really; and quite interesting. The deception that the almighty dollar can inspire never ceases to astonish me. It's ok though, I will be fine, like they say It takes a long time for a person, or a company to realize what "they don't know they don't know."