Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I Think My Cats are Gay - But I'm OK With That...

Yes - the jury is in and so is the verdict. My cats are gay - but I'm ok with that. I have two male cats - both neutered. One is named Otto Madd and the other is Wiper Blade. My cats are in love. They are having a wildly passionate love affair and they seem quite proud of it.

When they first met they hated each other and expressed their feelings freely. As time passed they started to warm up and began to spend hours wrestling. They would lock together and roll back and forth in a violent knot of biting, scratching and snarling. I would find large chunks of hair about the house - chunks too large to have fallen out on their own.

Sometimes they have unseen quarrels. One of them will be sitting daydreaming and the other will saunter by and brush against the other affectionately. Then out of nowhere a screaming snarl of disagreement and violent claw-filled lashes. It seems that at times they resort to hating each other and are not intimidated by expressing it. Was it something the other had done hours before to instigate such dissatisfaction?

They speak to each other in some type of cat-language. One will call the other to announce the arrival of food or things of visual interest. They sit side-by-side looking out into the big unknown world sharing the most intimate of moments together.

My cats are in love. They have adapted themselves into some sort of symbiotic organism - a yin-yang of their own alter-egos. Each one has its' own specific behavior pattern - one that separates it completely from the other. They each do exactly the same things but do them in completely different ways. If I am asleep and one of them approaches me I can tell which one it is at first contact. Their physical individuality emanates from them, and they each have their own distinct scent.

But when they pair up they become one. Their accepted and participatory actions transform them into some sort of pack-like behavior. When they look at me as a collective I see different animals than when they look at me on their own.

My cats are in love - they bathe each other and sleep together for hours. They share experiences and pleasures without any conscious inhibitions. They communicate their feelings perfectly and never give mixed messages. They live in the moment and carry very few pre-meditated agendas. My cats are in love and they don't even know it. Their consciousnesses have melded into one and at times I am sure that they are unaware of themselves. They exist somewhere in-between each other and float outside of themselves. They personify the perfection of unity.

Some days I wish I was one of them. To be able to bask in their tranquility without the markings of my own evolution.

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