Sunday, January 08, 2006

Change means shit happens differently.

So I took a few days off, so what. I needed to stop thinking for a while, and besides I had to peddle my white wax coated ass on the street to cover my mortgage this month.

Now all of you can post comments without the hassle of having to register so go ahead and comment away - if the spam gets to be too much I am going to change it back so get all you have to say in now.

I like the dots don't you they make me feel more contemporary, more leading edge.

For the next few posts I am going to be showing you some of my favourite places to shit. I felt the need to share this with the world because I know everyone always chooses there depository destinations with intense thought. And as an aside those of you that will only shit at home well, get some fucking backbone. Grow up and start shitting like a real human being, not like your trapped in the back of your daddies station wagon holding that railroad spike in until you get home - we all know who you are - you are the ones that can't sit still for two seconds.

Yes the first post out of the turnpike and I am talking about defecation - it seems like it is going to be that kind of year. Oh and as a reminder, all of those people that fucked me last year can eat my shit! - and those that didn't well, please ignore the last comment.

So tomorrow is Monday and I have quite a few resolutions set up. You see unlike most people I give myself a week off after January 1 - then I hit the self-deprecating critical phase that brings disappointment and loathing. It seems this year I have a new image of myself. One that entails a pretty severe transformation including the removal of my left thumb. Oh and as a reminder, all of those people that fucked me last year can eat my shit! - and those that didn't well, please ignore the last comment. I bought myself a flask today and filled it with Stock 84 brandy. The flask has a picture of Jesus on it and it says "What wouldn't Jesus do?" Ah shit I know, sorry, I always seem to be on about Jesus and the Virgin Mary - but the flask really does have that on it. So you see I figure each morning or whenever I sit down to write this blog that I bring along my Jesus flask and get a little lubricated. I'll see how it goes. My wife says that she doesn't want live with a drunk so I have to watch it. But I figure I'm safe because it's only a six ounce flask, and I am sure that each time I see Jesus on it's going make me feel guilty.

Most writers are drunks so I figured I would try it out for a few weeks and see what happens. It's an interesting twist on the whole New Years thing don't you think? Kind of like a Leaving Las Vegas type mantra? Oh and as a reminder, all of those people that fucked me last year can eat my shit! - and those that didn't well, please ignore the last comment.

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