Monday, January 09, 2006

The soap is in the orange jug.

Alright wait a minute I have to open my flask. Good thing brandy goes with coffee.
It's early today - or it seems early here in Toronto. I think in one of my dreams last night someone was hitting me with a baseball bat because I feel sore all over. It must be the weather or something. Maybe after being unemployed for a certain time Mondays even begin to suck when you don't have to go to work? No, no. Don't start. Stay positive. Keep things going like you planned, have another swig of brandy and push on. Oh yeah and by the way that isn't my urine in the toilet. I always flush my garbage, and wash my hands.

So a few things this morning to talk about. The first one is Found Magazine - This is a very interesting magazine and I keep wondering if it is all legitimate. They have five printed issues available and a comprehensive website.
I am sure you figured out the premise - collections of found objects and notes to help define our humanity. As one moves through some of the collections you can't help but feel like you are infringing on someone's most intimate secrets. Its a magazine posing as a reality TV show. Have a look at it if you haven't already.

I took this photo at Pacific Mall - an all Chinese Shopping mall in North Toronto. It seemed the most interesting thing in this washroom, besides all of the gum in the urinals. The washroom was dirty and it smelled like dirty sex organs and shit. There was no paper towel and each urinal had a puddle of urine overspray underneath it so if you were going to take a wiz you had to spread your legs and piss in a stance that made you look like you had grapefruits for testicles. Either that or get piss on your shoes.

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