Friday, November 11, 2005

Lets go shop for some fuck.

This blog may contain waxmeats. It may also cause your eyes to swell and leak green-yellow mucus. Please be advised that most grandmothers have acute multiple orgasms after reading this blog.

So Today is Friday and I have been working on a bunch of new creative for my portfolio. This is actually quite a bit of fun because I don't have some power tripping bucket head trying to tell me how to do things. Yes the freedom is inspiring and I think that it will be some of the best creative I will have done in a while.

Wow - It sure is great to be here today - no doom and gloom today. I think that the best part about today is knowing that I will NEVER have to be a part of certain processes again - don't you just hate the way you get stuck in some situations and have to interact with people so much lower on the evolutionary ladder than you are? I can remember feeling like I was sure I was talking to a big hairy ape - trying to make it understand English and so on. You know the ape grunts and after you spend an hour scratching its chin it still doesn't understand. All it wants to do is arch it's silver back and throw some shit at you. It can't see the benefit in your efforts because it is too intimidated - its thick scull just doesn't get it.

Some people just don't get me - know what I mean? They are plain and simply just too fucking stupid. Yes it is a fact - I can come right out and say it. I have earned it. I am smarter than the average ape out there - and the only thing that I can say is that I wish that everyone else was smarter than me because then I could learn something from everyone. Smart people are hard to come by and it sure is hard trying to learn things from idiots - especially when we fall prey to the commonness of being surrounded by them far too often. There are just more of them.

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