Friday, September 30, 2005

Serenity Now

So I took a walk on the beach - to try and clear my head. It helped a bit but the bad thoughts kept coming back to me - like the stink of a sewer, thick and heavy. The wind felt good on my face and it was great to be alive. There is something about the water that helps people - at least for a few minutes. You see I needed this walk because I got canned from my job on Wednesday - so I needed a little R&R so to speak. Something to - you know clear out the bad thoughts - like sticking people with knives and digging out eyeballs and such. Yes. The walk on the beach helped. I can thank my wife for that. There really are advantages to having your own personal shrink as a spouse - it can really pay off for those times when you see red and you just want to smell the blood and shit of those you have just gutted. Yes - a walk on the beach to reflect - it really does take the bad thoughts away.

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