Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I Want The Virgin Mary

Ok I am going to come clean - for over the last 28 years of my life I have had a thing for the VM. Maybe it is the vestments that do it for me - the complex Freudian mother issues - the pale and perfect skin - the smooth fleshy arms out-stretched and all welcoming like - the bare feet - chicks with bare feet are hot especially when they are draped in fabric. I love when the VM wears the powder-blue vestments - they seem to really bring out her eyes. She always looks so sad - I just wanna like you know kinda be there for her - cheer her up, get her giggling and then just give it to her.

She is so tall and I do have a thing for tall chicks - my wife is 6'.

For as long as I can remember I see myself in church having special"thoughts" about the VM as she stood either in front of me or off on the sidelines while mass took place. I hated when the church had her behind me because there was no way to glance coyly over at her as the priests mumbled on and on. There were times when I got myself really worked up and had to cover things up and grind hymn books into my crotch as my mother swatted me in the shoulder. It was bad. I was a bad kid. I am a bad person.

I wanna have sex with the VM - that can't be good for my future. But she is a virgin right? She is the only publicly out virgin I have ever heard about. Isn't it like just normal for guys to want to get a hold of a few virile virgins and just go to town on them (they have to be willing candidates though right)?

Oh well I guess I'll See you in hell.

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