Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Ok - Ok - I'm sorry for the delay....

Well I am so sorry about not having posted for so long - it is really bad for blog-business because people will only check on you so often and if there hasn't been a change you're off the list so-to-speak. But I have a good excuse - I have been working on my portfolio for hours, and then days.... whew am I ever glad that is over. It was a real sock in the sack - I didn't shower for a week and there was a green felt like fungus growing on my balls. Kinda like a velveteen rabbit thing.

Above all of this you will have noticed an image of my hardcover novel. This is my impression of the cover design and it is pretty close to how it will look when done. The problem is there is no one to publish it yet. But it will give you all a good idea of how it will look.
I looks pretty shit hot to me - I would buy it that's for sure. So this whole book writing and publishing thing is getting pretty real - the manuscript should be done by the end of December - I am going to try and give out copies for Christmas. And then self-publish it in the spring and get an a agent.

I am also going to sell copies from my website - and there will soon be more about the book on this blogg - including weekly excerpts for you all to read... So keep checking things are just getting started around here.

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