Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Pity Party

It's happening and there is nothing I can do about it. Glasses of cold water and Advil, orange juice, vitamins, coffee, clementines, there is no cure - i can feel it creeping up the back of my neck and pressuring me behind my ears. My throat is thick and whien I flex my head back the muscles ache in the base of my scull...

I should of stayed in bed today. I should of turned around when I had the idea to just blocks from my house. Shit even my scarf was telling me to go home. I was sure by the time I made it to the office it would of strangled me if I hadn't taken it off.

Even Howard Stern was making me sick - although he usually does - but today his narcissistic meglomaniac attitude made me wretch bile and coffee to the roof of my mouth ( i had to swallow it ). Yeah he and his minions were killing me - the minions kiss his ass constantly - hovering around him verbally like flies around a fresh chunk of feces.

But enough about him this is about me - and if u haven't gathered it yet i feel like crap today. The contemplation of leaving early is setting in and I am only going to commit to lunchtime for sure. I have to write some radio spot treatments today. New treatments for an old concept. It is like trying to come up with a better way to slice bread.

Boo Hoo poor me. Oh woe is me - what can i do - such a hard done by. The self pity is making me sicker. Yes now I can completely confess that the writing of this has taken me to a complete point of discust. Writing more will just make things worse because i am getting a sense of how shit it is. Rotten - just rotten - everything is shit.

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