Wednesday, December 14, 2005

What the hell is this?

Close up....

I was going through my photos looking for something to blogg about when I came across this image - I must have overlooked it and not noticed what was going on. Weird that this photo would show up now - after me posting that rough story excerpt. I took the photo to Henry's and asked them if it could be a problem with my camera and they said that my digital was fine. It really creeps me out to have found this - it almost makes me want to stop writing about abduction. Could it be a message from God? Is he telling me to be careful or am I just insane?

The close up doesn't show anything but I wanted you to see it for yourself.

To be honest I just don't understand this. My first reaction is to downplay it as a fluke coincidence but who knows. It's giving me nightmares. Last night I had a dream that I was sucked out of the sky and cut wide open - then dropped back onto a field like garbage.

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