Friday, December 16, 2005

So the date - yeah, it's December 16 2005. This doesn't mean too much to me lately. Other things have been on my mind besides dates and days of the week. There are no jobs now and most likely there won't be any until February. Good thing I have that pot of gold I found at the end of the rainbow. Thank God I believe in leprechauns.
It's what people call the holiday season - some people call it that anyways, but I beg to differ - you see my life is the holiday season. At least temporarily. But I don't want to get all seasonal, it's so boring really.

The cycle of everything always repeating can really get on a person's nerves. Why is it the human race has to make everything into a routine?

Isn't it enough that on a day to day basis we have to go through mundane routines? Why does every single event have to be planned out and calculated on an annual schedule? Just because this stupid planet spins in some sort of cycle - does that mean we all need to follow one?

Yeah, yeah who cares right? Shut up your mouth and just go with the flow. Fall into place and fit yourself into the lineup. Maybe I just have too much time on my hands lately. No. Wait a minute. That's not it at all. We are all just a bunch of bucking retardts.

We are no different then my cats. If you change one aspect of my cats' routines they have a logic meltdown and refuse to accept their condition as altered. If I feed them according to plan everything is harmonious - but if things change and they get fed early they refuse to accept the anomaly in routine and demand to be re-fed regardless of how full their dish is. They will stand right in front of the full dish and demand it because of the routine they have relied on.

Are we the same way? I don't think so. I think that the concept of routine in human schedule is enforced primarily through consumerism. Don't worry I won't go on about it any more - I got go - It's lunch time.

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