Sunday, October 02, 2005


Hey - thanks - you know who you are - the ones that have made the effort to contact me and to send me the kind words. The ones that made me feel better by telling me all they have - I know this is a sappy post and sure there won't be a dry eye in the house and all that shit - but you have to give credit where credit is due - not all of my posts can be as tight as a jaybird's egg pouch - some are just bound to be a little leaky around the edges (I told myself I wasn't going to cry). You all really are helping - darn tootn' damn strait. Just had to let u know.

Shit man it sounds like I am terminal or something - poor fella got kicked out of heaven and can't get back in - cashed in his wings for a pitchfork and a scalded ass.

I went to the beach again - I tell ya it works wonders - a few straight shots of brandy and then a long walk off a short pier. It clears out the sinuses.

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